“A Christian or a Religious Secularist, which am I?”

Gripped by Grace

The following couple of paragraphs are in the new book, “The End of Secularism” by Hunter Baker.  I have only read the introduction online but it looks interesting.  The reason I have placed this in my blog is that as I read what he said about himself in his days before he was a Christian I realized he describes many Christians today. 

I hope you will read it and think. 

I believed in God, but I didn’t see what difference that made to anything outside my private world. Private religion is at the heart of secularism. My relationship with God was simple. If I felt fear, I asked him to protect me. If I wanted, I asked him to provide. His character was not particularly of interest to me. The God who existed in my mind during my life up until college was essentially a cosmic genie.

Beyond the realm of my personal desires and wishes, I saw no place for God other than in ceremonies like baptisms, weddings, and funerals. That god is an accessory to occasions. He is like a magical charm designed to do what we want him to do. There are times when we bring him out with ornaments, bows, and ribbons. Otherwise, we box him up in the attic and only occasionally remember or contemplate him. For me, the private god-in-a-lantern model was the appropriate way to think about God and/or religion.”


The Prayer We Parents Rarely Pray

This is actually a quote from Doug Wolter @ Life2gether. I wanted to share it with you.

We’ve all been there before as parents.

Your child has been told what to do and doesn’t do it.
You’re tired and irritated.
You have no patience left in your parenting tank.
And so, you yell at your child (and perhaps even discipline your child) in anger and frustration.

But what good does it do?

Even though you took charge of the situation, your heart feels empty and frustrated and so does your child’s.

Let’s rewind the tape.

Your child has been told what to do and doesn’t do it.
Instead of reacting in anger, you acknowledge the fact that you are tired and lacking in patience.

So before speaking to your child, you speak first to God.
Just a simple prayer asking Him something like,

“Father, I need your help right now.
I need your Spirit to give me patience and wisdom to talk with my child.
I can’t do it on my own.
I need you and my child needs you.
Without you, Jesus, I can do nothing.
So be with me now as I go.
Open up my heart and my child’s heart to you.”

With a simple prayer such as this one, we take our parenting out of our hands and put it into God’s hands. We admit we cannot parent on our own. And so we pray a simple prayer of dependence … a simple prayer of reliance … a simple prayer of surrender.

This is the prayer we parents rarely pray. But I wonder how it would change us, and I wonder how it would change our families.

Know God, Know Yourself, Know the Difference

Often times we disagree with people whom we haven’t read. Such is the case for many when it comes to John Calvin. But the following quote must be read and considered and I find nothing in it to challenge. He was big on sovereignty.

“Man is never sufficiently touched and affected
by the awareness of his lowly state
until he has compared himself with God’s majesty.”
-John Calvin

Gripped by Grace,


Changes are Coming

blog buttonwell… I am working and do NOT know what I am doing.  I have back-up (I think) if it all falls apart…

Ultimately I desire for us to have a web-page (dot.com) and incorporate all of our blogs together.

But for now… I am testing.

Galilean Meal

This is the post from 2008 originally on my other Blog…
I wanted to share it in full here today … Maybe some of you would like to start a tradition like this with your family. Or something similar. Regardles… enjoy 🙂

(March 21, 2008)
Well, Julia has already blogged about this to some degree, but I woke up this morning with our tradition on my mind.”I should have made fish and eggs…”

So…. here is another memory of this tradition…

When we lived in Decatur, we always had Easter Dinner with Mark, Linda and Jennifer Fischer. Their family lived in Michigan, and our families were in Sylacauga. So…. we had Easter Dinner at their house. Jennifer would hide eggs with my children… Linda cooked a wonderful meal. OHHHH what precious memories. We were family. And we were together at Easter.

Then we moved to Griffin Georgia. So, they just came to Griffin for Easter. That is what families do.

That was when I started this family tradition. Good Friday – we had a Galilean Meal for breakfast. And the first few years – it was not fish sticks (as Julia mentioned in her blog)- it was broiled fish with scrambled eggs, wheat or rye rolls and orange juice.

So… picture this…. I did not tell them the menu for the morning. I just got up early and began cooking and making preparations. This particular year, it was raining…so we were not able to have the camp fire outside. So, I put a large tablecloth in the middle of the living room floor and put every candle that I could find in the middle. That would be our camp fire.

Can you just see it? They begin waking up to the smell of broiled fish…. yummmmm. And as they came down the hall, there was a table cloth in the middle of the floor with about 20 candles burning in the middle. I will never forget the look on Linda’s face, as she came around the corner, and asked me,”DEEDEE…. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I just politely told her that we were having a Galilean meal for breakfast. It was Good Friday.

And the tradition began….

I never wanted to get so caught up in the clothes, and the baskets, and the eggs, and the meals…. that we missed the real meaning of Easter. Now, I loved the preparations… and I loved getting the clothes and baskets and eggs and meals all ready. But that was not the point.

The most important facts to remember – that our Savior suffered, and bled, and died for our sins – that his blood covers us and makes us white as snow – that the grave could not hold him – that He arose. He arose. He arose!

That is the point.

And Good Friday is a good day to remember the price that He paid. Salvation is free but it is not cheap.

I want to close with a quote from Max Lucado’s book, He Chose the Nails.(p 34)

So, why don’t you just find a large concrete spike (nail) and press it into the palm of your hand as your read this.

May we never forget the price that he paid for our sins.

“What kept him from resisting? …

This tabulation of your failures. He knew the price of those sins was death. He knew the source of those sins was you, and since He couldn’t bear the thought of eternity without you, he chose the nails.

The hand squeezing the handle was not a infantryman.
The force behind the hammer was not an angry mob.
The verdict behind the death was not decided by jealous Jews.
Jesus himself chose the nails.

So the hands of Jesus opened up. Had the soldier hesitated, Jesus himself would have swung the mallet.

As a carpenter he knew what it took.

And as a Savior he knew what it meant.

He knew that the purpose of the nail was to place your sins where they could be hidden by his scarifice and covered by his blood.

So, Jesus himself swung the hammer.
The same hand that stilled the seas stills your guilt.
The same hand that cleansed the Temple cleanses your heart.
The hand is the hand of God.
The nail is the nail of God.

As the hands of Jesus opened for the nail, the doors of heaven opened for you.”

Good Friday….
It is about death – death on a cross.
It is about life – life everlasting.

And by the way, Jonathan fussed at me this morning, because Hal and I did not have a Galilean meal for breakfast. So we had fish tonight for supper. It was not the same…

What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

Celebration comes on Sunday!

I have always loved the quote from Tony Campolo,”It’s Friday – but Sunday is coming!”

Happy Easter!

Leave a Legacy

As I was reading my Bible this morning… I decided that I wanted part of this blog to be a place where we pass on ideas that we have along the way. It may be something that we have done in the past in our own family. It may be something new that we are implementing at this stage in our life. It may be something that we have read or heard that we think is a good idea. Regardless, maybe we can be consistent to share our tips along the way. Take what you want and apply it how you can.

Remember, nothing is new under the sun. So, use it – tweak it – pass it on.

For today, I want to share with you what I am presently doing for our granddaughter (and plan to continue for the MANY more grandchildren that will come :).

I have a bible that is specifically for our precious little one. It is a wide margin bible. As I read through it during quiet times, I write prayers for her and notes to her in the margin. My plan is to give it to her on her 16th birthday. As other grandbabies come, I will get a specific bible for them, and do the same. Alternating which one I use for my devotions, and which ones I take to church, or to special events. I hope to have a book shelf full of bibles for my children’s children.

I have already requested one for this Christmas for the little one that is on the way.

Legacy… a spiritual legacy… I want to leave one…


Was this Time-Out???

It is the end of the week and here is my take on last week. Starting with the first day.

Day number one of planning lasted a short time. We could not agree on where to start, much less how to procede. So at DeeDee’s suggestion, we did go to seperate rooms and prepare.

She got the living room with the couch and the A/C. I got the back porch with the metal chair.
(I just thought…was I put in time-out and did not catch on until just now???)

But the Lord used our time and our places to point us in the same direction.

That is the way He works. He uses His own time and puts us in the right place to bring us to the right frame of heart, mind and spirit.

As I have read elsewhere, it takes a quiet place, a quiet time and a quiet heart to hear Him and to sense His leading.

Now, we are both going His way in our planning. Which, coincidentally, is closer to the way DeeDee was headed than me. But as long as it is ultimately His way that is all that matters.

Struggling but Thriving…

Day Two of our Planning

It is amazing the difference between one day and the next.

The second day of planning was how it is supposed to be. We both had ideas, and were able to communicate and put it down on paper. No tension. No fear of fussing. No misinterpreting what the other was saying.

So, as in life…the very one who you want to “throw away” today…is the very one who you adore so much the next day. Call it hormones, call it moods, call it stresses of life, call it FLESH… whatever. We are two different people. But when we take some time and get with our Savior and allow Him to direct our days/paths/plans, He brings peace.

Would you agree with me that our biggest problems could be resolved easily and quickly, if we would just spend time with our Savior first? Put off the “old man”, the flesh, the ME… and “put on” Christ.

This is nothing new for us. Yet, we still will have days like that first day of planning. Will we ever learn? Hopefully. I know this retreat’s planning time has already been much better than last time.

Last time (which by the way – was a LONG time ago) I really wondered if our marriage would survive the marriage retreat. I think we finally just decided that time to just do our own thing in our own sessions. Then in our joint sessions, Hal would just lead it by himself.

So, I guess we are learning. We have grown. We know more about warfare. We know when to get away from the planning and to pray and study (alone).

Life is a journey. I want to enjoy the ride. I want to enjoy the differences. I CHOOSE to do so. A conscience choice. It is worth it. Trust me.

Thriving today,

Enjoy the Differences

Men and women are created different. That is really a good thing.

But sometimes, it makes the daily life a little less than desirable. Sometimes it is just HARD.

We have been away – and trying to plan a couple’s retreat.

Do you know how hard that is? Either one of us would have had no problem planning a conference/retreat on our own. But when we try to come together and make plans… well, we even have a hard time just communicating. The first day, we finally decided to just separate and read and do a little planning on our own and PRAY. Then we would get back together the next day, with a few ideas and see if they would mesh together somehow. We did not fuss. We just could not communicate. We both were on edge. There was tension. WARFARE.

Oh, Jesus, help us.

And He did. Oh, He is the faithful One.

More about our planning later…But for today, if it is hard for a married couple to take some time and plan four sessions together for a retreat coming in four months, then how much harder is it for a couple to survive the stresses of daily life?

Life really can be hard. Life is busy. We get distracted. We are different and we handle ALL of life in a different way. Usually neither are wrong. Just different. The sooner we realize that and appreciate those differences, the sooner that there will be peace in the relationship. Sometimes, we really do just need to get alone and do our own study/soul searching, and later come back to discuss what we’ve learned. It really can be easier to face the conflict/dilemma/decision after we have had our own time in the Word and with our Savior.

Now, I am not talking about avoidance – just a change in perspective. We must remember we are on the same team. Neither of us is the enemy. Keep that in mind. We are working for the same goal – and that is the good of our lives together and our particular family. (or maybe the retreat that we are trying to plan)

Each just needs to focus on their part. And then appreciate the differences. It really is a good thing. I like to call it Holy Sandpaper. That will be a topic later…

Completely different
and surviving…

Ready to get started back on track

So, the plan is to get things started back on track the first week of September.

Now, what I mean is that Hal and I are planning some intensive study time that first week. We have several ideas floating in our heads and we are going to try to get them TOGETHER and on paper. Now, if you know anything at all about us – you know that our planning and preparation styles are COMPLETE OPPOSITES.

This should be fun!

Regardless of how our planning/studying/preparing time goes…. we hope to have this blog working for and with us again by September 8th.

Surviving and thriving,
Hal and DeeDee