Busy Busy Busy

Sometimes life just gets too busy to breathe…. and certainly no time to blog. 🙂

But I want to take just a quick minute to encourage you to have some FRIDAY FAMILY FUN! Then…. post a reply so we can all be encouraged by your plans.

Hal and I are going to have some fun, food and sweet fellowship with MaMaw, Danny, Dena, and maybe Paul, Susie and Matthew too. Fun Fun Fun. We all have such a good time together – and MaMaw is cooking!!! I am going to try and go by to steal Aubrey away for the evening too, since Jen and Andy cannot come.

Family is important. Time with family is needed. This is part of our extended family – and we are excited!

Then tomorrow – we have our precious Aubrey’s two year old birthday party. She is a constant reminder to us of how fast time flies!

So… let that be encouragement to you to spend quality and quantity time with the precious family that God has blessed you with. Make the most of each day knowing that when you lay down your head tonight – May 2, 2008 is gone. Today will be over.

And one more thought….. even when life is just too busy….
Remember that you can do EVERYTHING today that God wants you to do. If you have too much on your plate… God did not put it there. Spend some time with your Savior and let Him help you set the agenda.

OK…… so share the plans for the evening with us………………….
Love to you all!